50 Metaphors for translations

From a financial point of view, these translations were the most successful of his labors.

[49:1] The Latin translation is not in most cases a sufficient guarantee for the original text.

" Surely this translation of the Professor's misplaced dithyrambics into the homeliest of colloquialisms is both good parody and just criticism.

My translations are sometimes rather paraphrases than interpretations, non ad verbum, but as an author, I use more liberty, and that's only taken which was to my purpose.

The Elizabethan translation, as you point out, is beautiful English, and I am glad to have the book; it will remind me of you, and I will keep it by me even if I do not read it very often.

" His translations we have included, not for their surpassing merit, but because, in the first place, there is little of our author extant, and we are happy to reprint every scrap of him we can find, and because again he, according to Dr. Johnson, was "one of the first that understood the necessity of emancipating translation from the drudgery of counting lines and interpreting single words."

On reaching the hall, Emily retired immediately to her own room, and at her reappearance when the dinner bell rang, the paleness of her cheeks and the redness of her eyes afforded sufficient proof that the translation of a companion from her own to another family was an event, however happy in itself, not unmingled with grief.

Indeed, Strauss may well say, as he does in the notice which he writes for this English edition, that, as far as he has examined it, the translation is et accurata et perspicua.

His translation of the Iliad is a noted work *gracia* f. mercy; favor; grace; joke; pl. thanks *gracioso* funny, amusing *granadero* m. grenadier *grande* great; large, big *grano* m. grain, seed; * de anís* very small matter *gratitud* f. gratitude *grave* serious *griego*

A translation of such poetry is not really the old meaning in a fresh dress; it is a new product, something like the poem, though, if one chooses to say so, more like it in the aspect of meaning than in the aspect of form.

Translation of poetry has ever been a study and a pastime.

"However, be this as it may, we fear his translations and imitations are great favourities with Lord Byron.

North's translation of Plutarch's Lives, published when Shakespeare was fifteen years old, became his textbook of ancient history and furnished him the raw material for plays like Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra.

It mattered not at all that by religious ordinance the translation of the Koran into any other tongue was a sin.

His fourth translation was the 'Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation,' by Bede.

The modern German Bible is the Zeitung (the rough translation of which is "newspaper") and German women are even more fanatical than the men, if possible, in their worship of it.

Growing, at length, weary of being confined to a book which he could almost entirely repeat, he deviated, by stealth, into other studies, and, as his translation of Benjamin is a sufficient evidence, he read a multitude of writers, of various kinds.

Footnote 37: It is not certain that the translation of Bede is the work of Alfred.

The following translations of a madrigal, a quatrain, and a stanza by Michael Angelo, may be worth insertion here for the additional light they throw upon some of the preceding sonnetsespecially upon Sonnets I. and II.

At any rate, the translation of the passage in the inventory to which "GASTROS" refers should be, "three Pisan collerets of steel mail," not that given by Meyrick.

Some time ago permission was obtained from the French Committee of Publication (the Prefect of Meurthe-and-Moselle, and the Mayors of Nancy and Luneville) to produce an English version on condition that the translation be an "exact and literal translation."

The translation of this verse has always been a subject of great difference of opinion.

The Translation of Schiller's Wallenstein is also a masterly production in its kind, faithful and spirited.

His translation of the Iliad is a noted work *gracia* f. mercy; favor; grace; joke; pl. thanks *gracioso* funny, amusing *granadero* m. grenadier *grande* great; large, big *grano* m. grain, seed; * de anís* very small matter *gratitud* f. gratitude *grave* serious *griego*

Whether the Latin Lives proper are free translations of the Irish Lives or the Irish Lives translations of Latin originals remains still, to a large extent, an open question.

50 Metaphors for  translations