209 examples of hildebrand in sentences

Did Hildebrand, Pope Gregory VII.

As the conscience of old Pope Hildebrand, The Holy Satan, who made the wives Of the bishops lead such shameful lives.

The great Hildebrand was the son of a carpenter.

Henri Martin, Sismondi, and Michelet may be consulted; also Hallam's Middle Ages, Milman's Latin Christianity, Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Biographic Universelle, and the Encyclopaedias. HILDEBRAND.

We associate with Hildebrand the great contest of the Middle Ages between spiritual and temporal authority, the triumph of the former, and its supremacy in Europe until the Reformation.

He is best known by his baptismal name, Hildebrand, the greatest hero of the Roman Church.

Hildebrand is a greater name than Gregory VII., and with him is identified the greatest struggle of the Papacy against the temporal powers.

The autocratic idea of Leo I., and the great Gregory who sent his missionaries to England, was that to which Hildebrand's ardent soul clung with preternatural earnestness, as the only government fit for turbulent and superstitious ages.

At last Hildebrand received the reward of his great services,"a reward," says Stephen, "which he had long contemplated, but which, with self-controlling policy, he had so long declined."

So Hildebrand was raised up to establish the only government which could rescue Europe from the rapacities of feudal nobles, and establish law and order in the hands of the most enlightened class; so that, like Peter the Great, he looms up as a reformer as well as a despot.

Hildebrand, however, set a new example, and became a watchful shepherd of his fold.

Ridicule or abuse of Calvin is as absurd as the ridicule or abuse with which Protestants so long assailed Hildebrand or Innocent III.

The first expressions of the Germanic mind, the song of "Hildebrand," "Gudrun," the "Nibelungen," have been handed down to us in a form which shows their origin to have been Netherlandish.

He had been intended for a priest, but when my father's desire to have one of Sir Hildebrand's sons in his counting-house was known, he had been selected, as, indeed, the only one who could be considered at all suitable.

Diana Vernon and I enjoyed much of our time in our mutual studies; although my vanity early discovered that I had given her an additional reason for disliking the cloister, to which she was destined if she would not marry any of Sir Hildebrand's sons, I could not confide in our affection, which seemed completely subordinate to the mysteries of her singular situation.

My poor uncle, Sir Hildebrand, was easily persuaded to join the standard of the Stuarts, and was soon taken and lodged in Newgate.

By his will, Sir Hildebrand devised his estates at Osbaldistone Hall to me as his next heir, cutting off Rashleigh with a shilling.

HILDEBRAND, JOEL H. Principles of chemistry.

Joel H. Hildebrand (A); 17Mar60; R253858. HILDRETH, GERTRUDE.

By Dietrich Von Hildebrand.

Dietrich Von Hildebrand (A); 27May76; R634005.

By J. Loewenberg, Joel H. Hildebrand & others.


Dietrich von Hildebrand (A); 29Dec70; R497612. VON MIKLOS, JOSEPHINE.

120 Then Mah'met's crescent, by our feuds increased, Blasted the learn'd remainders of the East; That project, when from Greece to Rome it came, Made Mother Ignorance Devotion's dame; Then he whom Lucifer's own pride did swell, His faithful emissary, rose from hell To possess Peter's chair, that Hildebrand Whose foot on mitres, then on crowns, did stand; And before that exalted idol all (Whom we call gods on earth) did prostrate fall.

209 examples of  hildebrand  in sentences