Which preposition to use with marveling

of Occurrences 298%

" They gesticulated and exclaimed and breathed hard, full of the marvel of such a thought.

at Occurrences 282%

He vented his anger most frequently upon John, the sight of whose superb strength goaded the unhappy man into a frenzy, and John's forbearance was tried to the utmost, but there was a sweet patience growing in his soul which made it possible to endure in silence, however capricious or unreasonable the commands of his master might be, and Reginald, watching him critically, marvelled at the mysterious inner strength of his friend.

to Occurrences 41%

Things that to us are wonderful, children accept as commonplace, while others commonplace to us are marvels to the child.

in Occurrences 30%

This surely marks it as a marvel in statecraft and can only be explained by the fact that the Constitution was developed by a people who, as "children brave and free of the great mother-tongue," had a real genius for self-government and its essential element, the spirit of self-restraint.

over Occurrences 11%

But Mandy was too tired to stay awake to marvel over that.

for Occurrences 8%

So far as the marvels of sorcerers and medicine-men are the work of chicanery, they will lack that persistence and ubiquity which justifies the investigation of other marvels for whose universality some basis must be sought in the uniform nature of things.

by Occurrences 5%

She obeyed as of course, equally of course surprised and a little mortified; while I, marvelling by what conceivable means the plague of Cairo or Constantinople could have been conveyed across forty million miles of space and some two years of Earthly time, paced the peristyle for a few minutes.

with Occurrences 5%

So, give Ariosto his hippogriff, and other marvels with which he has enriched the stock of romance, and Nature takes as much care of the verisimilitude of their actions, as if she had made them herself.

on Occurrences 4%

Ringan had a story of a black-haired princess of Spain, and how for love of her two gentlemen did marvels on the seas.

like Occurrences 3%

And thus all stood, marvelling like every living creature whose eyes followed it down that long river.

from Occurrences 2%

Such is the force of the architecture in the sacristy that one is profoundly conscious of being in melancholy's most perfect home; and the building is so much a part of Michelangelo's life and it contains such marvels from his hand that I choose it as a place to tell his story.

within Occurrences 1%

CHAPTER LII HOW THEY HAD NEWS OF WALKYN Now went they in silence again for that Beltane dreamed of many things while Roger marvelled within himself, oft turning to look on my Beltane's radiant face, while ever his wonder grew; so oft did he turn thus to gape and stare that Beltane, chancing to meet his look, smiled and questioned him, thus: "Why gape ye on me so, Roger man?"

across Occurrences 1%

What, then, was the marvel across the valley, what were the "lordly pleasure-houses" to whose creation and enlargement Moulay-Ismaël returned again and again amid the throes and violences of a nearly centenarian life?

of Occurrences 1%

A touching poem of Francis Thompson's pictures the marveling of a soul on his rewards in Paradise which, in his humility, he thinks undeserved.

after Occurrences 1%

It seems almost incredible to us, who have come to look upon marvel after marvel of science and invention as a matter of course, that it should have taken so many years to convince the world that the telegraph was a possibility and not an iridescent dream.

amidst Occurrences 1%

"I marvel at that man, grubbing hungry for marvels amidst the almost incredibly marvellous.

among Occurrences 1%

It was his employer's humor to befriend and defend him in private, but to his face assume, with the most delicate irony, that this marvel among men was always late, forgetful, rattle-brained, and credulous.

between Occurrences 1%

The two mates and boatswain, who also messed aft, bolted without speech, but marvelled between meals.

beyond Occurrences 1%

A marvel beyond dreams!

during Occurrences 1%

By day she desires to be regarded as just that, and she resents as untimely the recognition of her sex, her mystery, and her marvel during business hours.

into Occurrences 1%

But already the plenty of Inistow was passing from a marvel into a burden.

than Occurrences 1%

What nobler marvels than the mind May in life's daily prospect find, May find or there create?

through Occurrences 1%

I walked into Annandale about midnight, found this medieval marvel through the kindness of the station-master and was reconnoitering with my usual caution when I saw a gentleman romantically entering through an open window.

under Occurrences 1%

There is a world full of marvels under the causses of the Lot, the Aveyron, and the Lozère; but although much more will be known about it, a vast deal will remain for ever hidden from man.

Which preposition to use with  marveling